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Page Scientific Committee Program Deadlines Registration Participants Poster Accommodation Venue Travelling to Linköping Pictures Supported by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
Venue The venue of the conference is lecture theatre Nobel, in Building B on Campus Valla Coming to the university (Campus Valla): From Resecentrum (train and bus station) there are three buses coming to Campus Valla: 2 to the south of campus (stop FOI), 12 and 20 to the west of campus (stop UNIVERSITET). The method of payment of buses in Linköping (and Norrköping) is by refill card (several people can share a card, the card costs 20 SEK). Each journey costs 19 SEK with card. The minimal charge of the card is 100 SEK. The card can be used in the whole of Östergötland (also to travel to Norrköping, travel within Norrköping and travel to the Berg Locks). The hotels are very close to Resecentrum. There is a 40-45 minute walk from the hotels to Campus Valla. The best stop to take a bus from the hotel to Campus Valla is Resecentrum. To come to Nobel from the bus stops: From FOI: take the boulevard northwards until entrance 25 (in building B) walk to corridor C and take to the right (north) until arriving to entrance 23, turn left to corridor D, on the right is Nobel. From UNIVERSITETET: walk having Building F on your right. Take entrance 55 (between buildings F and B), after the stairs turn to the right to corridor D; you are in front of Nobel.
Some proposals for excursions for accompanying people
1) Stockholm and Vasa Museum. Stockholm is only 1 and 1/2 -2 hours by train from Linköping. So one day in Stockholm is an easy excursion. Stockholm has really only one must:
Vasa Museum (http://www.vasamuseet.se/en/). I like to come early" in the morning (opening time) and stay until lunch. And use the afternoon to stroll in Old Town Stockholm.
I like also Nordiska Museet (http://www.nordiskamuseet.se/en). The bus stop for Vasa is Nordiska Museet.
2) Norrköping (our twin town). It takes less than half a hour to come to travel Linköping-Norrköping.
In Sweden one says "Linköping is a big small city and Norrköping is a small big city". Norrköping has better museums and nicer old shops (http://upplev.norrkoping.se/to-do__1033). A day visiting the Visualization Centre of LiU (now with Titanic exhibition) and the Museum of Work, The City Museum and Museum of Art (http://www.upplev.norrkoping.se/museums__1033) is not to be missed.
The whole area where the Museum of Work and Campus Norrköping are consists of old industrial buildings converted. The area is a 5-10 minute walk from the train station. I think you find a bus or train to Norrköping every 15 minutes. And one uses the same card for city buses in both cities and for the train/bus between the cities.
3) Berg's Locks (10 km North on Linköping, by Lake Roxen) Seven locks in Berg, called the Carl Johan locks, lift and lower boats a whopping 18.8 meters to and from Lake Roxen. The place has the seven locks, restaurants and coffee shops. Next to Berg's Locks are the ruins of Vreta Cloister. The church, still remains, is one of the older in Sweden. Bus 522 takes you from Resecentrum directly to Berg's Locks and Vreta Kloster.
4) Gamla Linköping (Old Linköping, next to Campus Valla). The open Air Museum in Linköping. Since nineteen fifties buildings from Linköping have been moved to Gamla Linköping to recreate Old Linköping. Bus 12 stops at Gamla Linköping before coming to the university. One need at least half a day to visit all the places!
The Museum of Science of LiU, Fenomenmagasinet, is at Gamla Linköping. Adults enjoy it more than children!!
The walk to Campus Valla is enjoyable.
5) I do not like specially much the Centre in Linköping. (The Castle has a too small part open to the public, the cathedral is gothic and beautiful, and nothing special, the museum of art is worse than the one in Norrköping). But I like the water in Linköping. Our Sunday promenade is to come Storgatan down to the river (Stångå, å means river in Swedish) and take the path following the river southbound to Tannefors Slussen (Lock att Tanneförs). There is an old coffee shop there. We cross the river there and come back northwards to Storabron. You are back to Storgatan. This summer there is an exhibition on "Haute Couture" in the museum of art.
6) Flygvappenmuseum (Air Force Museum). It is much more than the air force museum (http://www.flygvapenmuseum.se/Default.aspx?id=3&epslanguage=en).
28-Jun-2013 | Contact E-mail: surfaces@mai.liu.se |