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The conference proceeding will be published in a special volume of the journal Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica (Reviewed by Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik). For details see the website.

All submitted papers will be reviewed and papers should have become accepted for presentation at the LINSTAT2104 meeting. The volume will be co edited by Martin Singull and Dietrich von Rosen. Submission interval: May 1 - November 15, 2014. Papers should be submitted to the Editorial Coordinator Enno Kolk (enno.kolk@ut.ee) with an indication that it is a LINSTAT2014 paper.

GRAPES Swedish Network for Graduate and Postgraduate Education in Statistics      SSfr

Sidansvarig: martin.singull@liu.se
Senast uppdaterad: 2015-02-03